In the field of machine mountings for machines with a rotational speed of > 500 rpm and a load range > 1.000 kg per machine feet RG+ offers a wide range of spring isolators with a natural frequency of 3-5 or 4-6 Hz. Due to the integrated all-metal-cushion there is a damping component included in the system. This enables the machine to run through resonance in a calm way. Application for spring isolators can be found in the mechanical and apparatus engineering or the power engineering. In most applications the centre of gravity is not in the centre of the machine. Therefore an exact calculation of the elements and their arrangement is necessary. Just feel free to contact us.

- Zur elastischen Lagerung von Maschinen mit einer Drehzahl > 500 1/min
- Werkstoffe:
- Feder aus Federstahldraht, KTL beschichtet
- Dämpfungskissen aus 1.4301
- Rondelle, Boden- und Deckplatten aus Stahl, KTL beschichtet
- Eigenfrequenz: 3 – 5 bzw- 4 – 6 Hz
- Lastbereich: 1.000 – 12.000 kg je nach Größe und Typ des Elements
- Lagerung u.a. von Brechern, Mühlen, Pumpen, Ventilatoren, BHKW-Module oder -Komponenten